Paroles d’Instrument Mai 2014
Dans la saison "Paroles d'Instrument", un concert en sonate avec Françoise Gnéri (alto) et Valery...
AIMM 2013
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Paroles d’Instrument Janvier 2013
Paroles d'instrument: La musique à travers l'histoire des violons Au-delà des interprètes...
Parole d’instrument Novembre 2012
Paroles d'instrument: la musique à travers l’histoire des instruments Au-delà des interprètes...
Violon d’Ingres
Violon d'Ingres. Un luthier de Montpellier livre sa théorie sur l'énigme des Stradivarius. Par...
Dominique’s Villas Montpellier spotlights
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New world record for a Strad
New world record for a Strad The "Lady Blunt" violin 1721 by Antonio Stradivari, owned by...
A la rencontre des Luthiers de Montpellier
Emission Territoire: à la rencontre des Luthiers de Montpellier Territoire à la rencontre...
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The Master
As a trained scientist, intented to become an optician like his father, Yann Poulain is a methodical rational. Passionate about brick games in his early childhood, he then developed his first constructions. At the age of reason, he builds them with the means at hands, in the garden of the family home.
Thus, he became passionate for woodworking… Being the grandson of an amateur violinist, Yann also studied the architecture of his grandfather’s instrument with increasing interest… Until he ordered order his first set and a few gouges for his thirteenth Christmas.
To me violin is one of the greatest invention of the Renaissance. In a few decades it became the king of musical instruments and the true symbol of occidental music. It appeared in a form of such perfect proportions that it remained unchanged to the present day.
However many of its manufacture mysteries remain because the original recipe was lost in the late XVIIIth century.
The workshop
There are many doors decorated with sculptures such as sheep, dragons and other chimeras from the medieval imagination. At the top of the hill is the Church of St. Anne. Culminating at more than 69m, its bell tower is nicknamed the « Glaive de Montpellier ». Nowadays it’s the « Carré St Anne » exhibition centre of contemporary art. It is in this room full of history, conducive to inspiration, that Yann spends most of his time creating.
© Yann Poulain all rights reserved – Website by Florent Gastaldi – Lien Mentions Légales